Zephros, the Wanderer Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Zephros, the Wanderer

Domain: Travel, Exploration, Adventure
  Description: Zephros, the Wanderer, embodies the spirit of travel, exploration, and boundless adventure. He is depicted as a youthful figure with wind-blown hair, donning garments that reflect the diversity of distant lands. Zephros personifies the insatiable wanderlust that drives mortals to venture into the unknown, seeking new horizons and experiencing the thrill of discovery.
  As the patron of explorers, sailors, and all who dare to embark on journeys, Zephros inspires mortals to embrace the call of the open road. His presence ignites the fire of curiosity and fuels the desire to explore uncharted territories. Zephros encourages individuals to step outside their comfort zones, embrace diversity, and broaden their horizons through new experiences and encounters.
  Symbology and Representations:
  Compass Rose between footprints: Symbolizing direction, navigation, and the quest for new experiences and the paths and trails left behind by those who follow Zephros' call.

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