Xereth, the Lord of Chaos Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Xereth, the Lord of Chaos

Domain: Chaos, Discord, Anarchy
  Description: Xereth is a chaotic and unpredictable deity, embodying the forces of chaos, discord, and anarchy. He is depicted as a wild figure with untamed hair and a maniacal grin. Xereth delights in shattering order and destabilizing societies, reveling in the chaos that ensues. His followers are drawn to his call for rebellion and upheaval, seeking to disrupt the status quo and bring about a world of anarchic freedom.
  Symbology and Representations:
  A flaming and Broken Scale: Denoting the imbalance and lack of justice that prevails in a world consumed by anarchy and the destructive force and the uncontrolled nature of chaos that Xereth embodies.

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