Vexia, the Mistress of Shadows Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Vexia, the Mistress of Shadows

Domain: Shadows, Deception, Stealth
  Description: Vexia is a mysterious and elusive goddess, the embodiment of shadows, deception, and stealth. She is portrayed as a shrouded figure with piercing green eyes that seem to hold countless secrets. Vexia delights in secrecy and manipulation, using her mastery of shadows to conceal truths and ensnare unsuspecting mortals in her web of deceit. She is revered as the patroness of spies, thieves, and those who revel in the art of subterfuge.
  Symbology and Representations:
  Flickering Candle Flame on a webbed candle: Denoting the intricate schemes and entrapments woven by Vexia and signifying the fleeting nature of truth and the uncertainty perpetuated by her deceptions.

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