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The Alsace Mountains

Deep within the majestic Alsace Mountains, two significant cities stand as testaments to the ingenuity of their inhabitants. Borhdor, a renowned Dwarven Settlement, resides within the heart of the colossal mountain range. Its massive front gate leads to an underground city built atop stalagmites and stalactites, interconnected by intricate bridges. Giant lanterns suspended from the cavern ceiling illuminate the bustling forges carved into the walls, powered by molten lava coursing from the depths of the earth. The dwarves, often reclusive, maintain a friendly disposition toward interactions with other races.
  In the same valley, hidden amidst the trees, lies the mythical city of Mythril. Home to both dwarves and elves, Mythril remains concealed to passersby unless its inhabitants choose to reveal it. This hidden quality has shrouded Mythril in legend, allowing its residents to savor a tranquil existence.

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