Selara, Balance Keeper Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Selara, Balance Keeper

Domain: Balance, Justice, Harmony
  Description: Selara, the Keeper of Balance, is the goddess who upholds the ideals of justice, balance, and harmonious coexistence. She is often portrayed as a serene figure with outstretched wings, symbolizing her role as a bringer of equilibrium. Selara represents the concept of fairness, moral order, and the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means.
  Guiding mortals in their pursuit of harmony, Selara encourages them to make choices that uphold the balance between good and evil. She seeks to rectify imbalances and injustice, fostering a society where all individuals can thrive. As the patron of justice, she ensures that the scales remain even and that fairness prevails.
  Symbology and Representations:
  Winged Scales: Symbolizing the weighing of actions and the pursuit of justice. The wings, similar to a dove's, represented peace, forgiveness, and the aspiration for harmony as well as connecting Selara's role as a celestial being and authority to bring balance.

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