Natsuko the Wayfarer Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Natsuko the Wayfarer

Domain: Freedom, Illusion, Travel, Trickery
  Description: Natsuko the Wayfarer, a Primal Deity, embodies the spirit of Freedom, Illusion, Travel, and Trickery. She is renowned for her relentless pursuit of a world free from useless restrictions and openly despises anyone or anything that seeks to subjugate others. From kings who rule over the commonfolk to zookeepers who confine beasts, and even banks that hold loans against the poor, Natsuko vehemently opposes any form of oppression.
  At the core of Natsuko's essence lies an unwavering desire for the freedom to travel and move at a moment's notice. She cherishes the ability to wander without hindrance, exploring new realms and experiencing the exhilaration of constant motion. Natsuko's inquisitive nature leads her to delve into the mysteries of the world, seeking knowledge and understanding through her travels.
  Humor plays a significant role in Natsuko's life, as she recognizes its importance in maintaining a balanced perspective. As a master prankster, she revels in harmless trickery, using illusions and clever deceptions to bring laughter and lightness to the world. However, there are times when Natsuko's playful nature can veer into excess, causing unintended consequences. It is crucial to remember that when pushed beyond the boundaries of amusement, her temper can be as fierce as any other deity.
  Natsuko, also known as the Many-Faced, possesses a deep love for disguises, often masquerading as different personas and walking among mortal races. This allows her to gain unique insights into the lives and experiences of individuals, fostering empathy and understanding. She frequently crosses paths with Kav'wa, the Bard Prince, as they journey together across Erenel, spreading their shared doctrine and enjoying the company of one another.
  Symbols and Representations: Natsuko is symbolized by a mask, representing her affinity for illusions and her ever-changing personas. The mask often portrays a mischievous smile or a playful expression. Her followers may carry small tokens, such as miniature masks or trickster's coins, as symbols of their devotion to Natsuko the Wayfarer, the embodiment of freedom, illusion, travel, and trickery.

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