Morthos, the Corruptor Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Morthos, the Corruptor

Domain: Corruption, Temptation, Decay
  Description: Morthos is an ominous deity associated with corruption, temptation, and the slow decay of morality. He is often depicted as a shadowy figure with piercing red eyes and a sinister smile. Morthos thrives on the corruption of souls, luring them into darkness and leading them astray from the path of righteousness. His influence spreads like a poison, eroding the virtues of the pure-hearted and sowing seeds of discord and malevolence.
  Symbology and Representations:
  Serpent Coiling around an Apple in the form of a chain and shackle: Symbolizing the seductive allure of temptation and the fall from grace hindered by the enslavement of vices and loss of free will under Morthos' influence.

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