Morak, the Fiery Forge Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Morak, the Fiery Forge

Domain: Fire, Craftsmanship, Forge
  Description: Morak is a god from Erenel's pantheon, representing fire, craftsmanship, and the forge. He is depicted as a burly figure with flames emanating from his body, wielding a mighty hammer. Morak's domain includes the art of blacksmithing, the creation of weapons, and the transformative power of fire. He is revered as the patron of craftsmen and artisans, guiding them in their pursuit of mastery.
  Symbology and Representations:
  A flaming Hammer striking broken chains on an anvil: Symbolizing the craft of blacksmithing and the forging of items and denoting the transformative process of shaping raw materials into refined creations.

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