Maelis, the Harbinger of Despair Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Maelis, the Harbinger of Despair

Domain: Despair, Suffering, Misery
  Description: Maelis is a malevolent deity associated with despair, suffering, and unending misery. He is depicted as a gaunt figure draped in tattered robes, with hollow eyes that exude an aura of hopelessness. Maelis feeds on the anguish and pain of mortals, reveling in their despair and sowing seeds of suffering wherever he treads. His followers are often those who have lost all hope, seeking solace in the embrace of eternal darkness.
  Symbology and Representations:
  A weeping eye with the iris of a dying flower: Symbolizing the withering of hope and the absence of joy in the presence of Maelis.

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