Lyndra, the Moon Dancer Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Lyndra, the Moon Dancer

Domain: Moon, Dreams, Night
  Description: Lyndra is the goddess of the moon, dreams, and the night. She is depicted as a graceful figure with silver hair and a celestial aura. Lyndra's realm encompasses the ethereal realm of dreams, magic, and the mysteries of the night. She is revered as the guardian of dreams and the patron of those who seek inspiration and guidance from the moon's gentle glow.
  Symbology and Representations:
  Crescent Moon with a star in the center, surrounded by a shimmering aura: Symbolizing the moon's phases, the enchanting beauty of the night sky, and the mysteries it holds. All representing Lyndra's otherworldly nature and her connection to the divine.

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