Hrólfr, the Ancient Wolf Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Hrólfr, the Ancient Wolf

Domain: Ambition, Betterment, Retribution, Wrath
  Description: Hrólfr, the Primal Deity of Ambition, Betterment, Retribution, and Wrath, is a figure of immense power and undeniable presence. His opponents often depict him as a furious tyrant, but Hrólfr's true nature embodies a refined and calculated fury, akin to a scalpel rather than a bludgeon. He stands as a symbol of personal advancement and self-improvement, urging mortals to strive for greatness and pursue their ambitions.
  Those who have gazed upon the Ancient Wolf and lived to recount their experience speak of a deity radiating an aura of unquestionable authority. Hrólfr's towering presence is awe-inspiring, instilling a sense of reverence in those who encounter him. With a gaze that seems to penetrate the very depths of one's soul, he exudes an aura of intensity and determination.
  The mortal races have come to know Hrólfr primarily through the tales of those who have sought him out, beseeching his aid, power, or control over their destiny. It is said that the Ancient Wolf is willing to grant these requests, but the price is rarely one that can be paid in full, at least initially. Those who bargain with Hrólfr often find themselves caught in a web of consequences, as the path to personal advancement is seldom free of sacrifice or hardship.
  Worshipers of Hrólfr view him as a catalyst for change, urging them to push the boundaries of their abilities and reach for greater heights. They seek his favor, believing that through dedication and unwavering ambition, they can unlock their full potential. However, they are wary of the risks involved, knowing that Hrólfr's blessings may come at a cost that must be reckoned with.
  Symbols and Representations: Hrólfr is often symbolized by the image of a majestic and formidable wolf, its fur as black as night, eyes ablaze with fiery determination. The wolf represents his untamed power and relentless pursuit of personal growth. Additionally, his symbols may include the imagery of a scalpel, symbolizing his refined and precise approach to achieving one's ambitions.
  Followers of Hrólfr may don intricate wolf-themed garments or adorn themselves with jewelry featuring wolf motifs as a sign of their devotion. They may also incorporate the imagery of a scalpel in their rituals and ceremonies, emphasizing their commitment to self-improvement and the pursuit of their goals.

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