Erenel, the Eternal Sage Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Erenel, the Eternal Sage

Domain: Knowledge, Wisdom, Arcane Arts
  Description: Erenel is a wise and ancient god, associated with knowledge, wisdom, and arcane arts. He is often portrayed as an elderly figure with a long flowing beard and a staff. Erenel is the guardian of ancient knowledge and the protector of magical secrets. He is revered as the giver of wisdom, guiding mortals in their quests for knowledge and enlightenment.
  Symbology and Representations:
  Open Book and Quill: Representing the accumulation of knowledge and the pursuit of learning and symbolizing the act of writing and the recording of wisdom. A Closing Scroll with an arcane rune: Denoting the ancient wisdom and arcane lore he safeguards.

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