Bedoma, the Great Serpent Character in Illandria | World Anvil
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Bedoma, the Great Serpent

Domain: Judgment, Afterlife, Guidance
  Description: Bedoma, the Primal Deity of Judgment, Afterlife, and Guidance, is a colossal serpent that coils around the world, bridging the realms of the ethereal plane, The Above, and The Below. Her massive body stretches across the vast expanse, with a golden python head reaching up towards The Above and a black cobra head descending into The Below. She holds the responsibility of guiding mortal souls on their journey to the afterlife.
  When a mortal passes away, their body and soul separate, and the soul embarks on a profound journey through the ethereal plane. It is in this realm that the soul encounters Bedoma, the Last Guide, who plays a crucial role in determining the soul's ultimate destination. Bedoma's dual heads represent the divergent paths that await the soul.
  As the soul enters the ethereal plane, it faces Bedoma's judgment. With wisdom and impartiality, she assesses the soul's essence and guides it towards the appropriate afterlife plane. Depending on the nature of the soul and its deeds in life, one of Bedoma's heads will call out to it, beckoning it to ascend her golden serpent scales into The Above or descend her black serpent scales into The Below.
  Mortal souls are bound to traverse the back of the Great Serpent in the ethereal plane, unless they heed Bedoma's call and follow the path designated for them. Those who resist her guidance or fail to choose a path are condemned to wander in limbo, suspended between realms until they accept Bedoma's judgment.
  Followers of Bedoma hold reverence for her role as the final arbiter of souls. They believe in the importance of living virtuously and honorably, knowing that their actions in life will ultimately shape their fate in the afterlife. They seek Bedoma's favor, hoping for a just and favorable judgment when their time comes to pass into the ethereal realm.
  Symbols and Representations: Bedoma is often represented as a colossal serpent with a golden python head and a black cobra head. Her body coiling around the world symbolizes her connection between realms. Her scales, one golden and the other black, represent the divergent paths available to mortal souls. Followers may incorporate serpent motifs in their worship and rituals, and they may wear jewelry or garments adorned with serpent symbols as a sign of their devotion to Bedoma.

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