Sindar Settlement in Ilarium | World Anvil
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Capital of the Kingdom of Lefryn, home of the Royal Palace, the Council, etc. Headquarters of the Amber Circle.


Monarchy, answering to a council. The monarch has the power to enact laws, but may be blocked by the Council. The Council of Elders is responsible for the day-to-day ruling of the kingdom. Religion is not represented, but does lobby the council.


2000 foot soldiers and archers. 750 horsemen. Substantial militia to be called upon (8000) as a last resort.

Industry & Trade

Everything is available for purchse in Sindar. Magic items are in good supply, although a rare item has a 20% chance of being in stock, and a very rare item a 5% chance or lower. These items carry a 50%+ premium.


Formed by the first human settlers in the northeastern region in the Second Age.


Strategic position by the river, nestled against the mountain, with trade routes open to the dragonborn.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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