Neoth'Tor Organization in Ilarium | World Anvil
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Within the Forest of Clenn, sitting on the north-western fringes of the Istarin Greatwood, is the home of the Neoth'Tor elves. The Neoth'Tor were driven to near genocide by the high elves of Istarin following The Fall, who duped the Forest and led to lead it. The elves began to take slaves in humans and others who strayed too close to their borders. The high elves recognised this as an affront to the natural order and fought to release the captives. The remaining elves are those who had not aligned with Malantha and were spared.   Generally the Neoth'Tor dress all in black to remember the dark stain on their honour caused by their history. They live in constant mourning and the population dwindles as the Neoth'Tor clan fades into the forest.
Geopolitical, Clan

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