Mistlands Geographic Location in Ilarium | World Anvil
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The wilds across the sea. Held temporarily by Ragnar but was lost quickly again to the mists after his reign. Stories tell of wild men, giants, lizard people, and giant deformed beasts.   Ragnar made the first corroborated landing on the shores of the Mistlands, followed by ships bearing troops and cargo. Setting up a base, Ragnar struck inland to discover the features of the land. Even as he carved through the wilderness the route closed up behind him. After four years questing, Ragnar set up a permanent base and returned to the mainland, leaving substantial troops behind to carve out a civilised region and keep trade routes open to bring back resources, flora and fauna from the new lands.


Across The Lost Ocean, roughly south-south-east of Berringdon. The seas swirl with mists and sailors speak of primal howls and dark shapes moving from within. Few have been close enough to see landmass. Even rarer are those who claim to have made it to shore and returned to tell the tale. The only individual to ever lead a successful expedition and keep the gateway open for a time was Ragnar the Great, who achieved the conquest towards the end of his reign. The portal through the mists closed quickly again after his death.
They have been ever used as the root of scary stories, and a way to discipline small children   "if you don't behave I'll have the wildmen come take you off to the Mistlands"
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