Sterk Moose Species in Ifiron | World Anvil

Sterk Moose

The four hunters of the Tuuluuwaq tribe had been chasing the beast for hours. They'd figure out a plan. Tunerk would hide in one of the Is trees while Suka, Ulva, and Miki would route it. Tunerk held his hefty battleax in waiting. He wasn't sure if it would be enough.   In the distance, he heard Suka shouting. Ulva and Miki followed suit. Tunerk turned in the direction of their shouting. They were quite far out, but Tunerk knew it was a matter of moments before it arrived. His grip tightened on the battleax, his muscles were primed to leap into action.   With complete silence, it bounded into view. Standing 12 feet tall and antlers just as wide, the Sterk Moose slowed to a walk. Its neck was nearly as wide as Tunerk's upper body. The battleax was looking too small to Tunerk. Arrows were stuck in it. Even Miki's lucky arrow was sticking out of its neck.   The Sterk Moose walked near the tree Tunerk was up in. He held his breath, hoping the beast wouldn't hear him. It put its head down, digging at the snow. Tunerk lifted the battleax. The branch creaked beneath him. The moose lifted its head and looked around. Tunerk stayed motionless.   The moose put its head back down, it chowed down on the greens buried in the snow. Tunerk shut his eyes and focused. Following his training, he let gravity take over his body. Tunerk dropped toward the moose, the battleax overhead. It came down on the beast's neck.   It howled and lifted its head. The battleax was embedded in the meat of its neck with Tunerk hanging on. The moose whipped its head around. Tunerk thought his arms were going to get ripped off, but he was more worried about being impaled on the massive antlers. He saw Miki's lucky arrow.   He yanked at the arrow. Tunerk's hand burned as it gripped the ax, holding all of his weight. Swinging with the moose, he rammed the arrow into its eye. It howled again and bashed itself into the tree. Tunerk slammed into the beast and he let go. Falling to the snow, Tunerk felt the hooves slamming around him. The moose bounded several times before collapsing on the ground.   Tunerk breathed heavily. Miki, Ulva, and Suka finally made it to the scene.   "Tunerk, are you alright?" Miki asked.   "Yeah," he said. "Thanks to your lucky arrow."

Basic Information


The Sterk Moose is a quadruped with a thick, brown hide. They stand on average about 12 ft tall with antlers as wide as the moose is tall. They are incredibly sturdy creatures that feed off of the tough plants in the Gru Whal forests.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Sterk Moose have a gestation period of roughly 240 days (6 months) and give live birth. They give birth to about one or two calves.

Growth Rate & Stages

After about a year or so, the calves will part from the mothers.

Ecology and Habitats

The Sterk Moose thrives in the Gru Whal forests. The plants are incredibly tough and most creatures struggle to digest them. The Sterk Moose has adapted to eat these tough plants. It has very few natural predators because of how tough it is to kill.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It digs in the snow with its antlers. It will feed off of low hanging branches of the Is trees along with tough ground plants that can endure the permafrost.

Biological Cycle

The Sterk Moose has a mating season in the fall before winter sets in.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Every part of the Sterk Moose is used by the Himadra people.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Sterk Moose is exclusive to the continent of Gru Whal

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sterk Moose have a secondary nose that is located in the roof of the mouth. They will raise their head to smell the air with both nostrils. They are able to pinpoint food and predators from miles away.
15-25 years
Conservation Status
The Himadra people are careful of how much they hunt the Sterk Moose. One moose is enough to feed most of a tribe. Overhunting is something they are careful about. However, hunting the Sterk Moose is one of the greatest hunts.
Average Height
12 ft
Average Weight
Male: 1300 lbs Female: 1000 lbs


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