Line of Fire and Lightning Geographic Location in Ifiron | World Anvil

Line of Fire and Lightning

Where it came from is a mystery to everyone. The number of people that have tried to cross the Line of Fire and Lightning is uncounted. Because gathering information beyond the Line is impossible, inside of the Line is known to a majority of the world as "The Forgotten Zone".   Some scholars outside of the Forgotten Zone have said that breaking the Line is a terrible idea, that the Gods cut off the area to stop a great plague and that if the Line is broken then that plague will be released. Others believe that the Line is a great prison. Elves outside of the Line believe that inside lies Lathlaeril, they mystical lost Kingdom of Elves.   Because of the Line's extreme conditions, it is widely accepted that it was the Gods who created it. On the map, it appears to be a perfect circle, which is evidence of design rather than a natural phenomenon.


The Line of Fire and Lightning is named because it is a long stretch of mountain ranges that are actually volcanos. They are always active, spewing out lava and pushing soot into the air. These clouds seem to be contained by an unknown force. These clouds of soot generate a large amount of static, causing bolts of lightning that are agitated by the Line's field. This has created an environment that in incredibly deadly for any creature.   The response many explorers have tested out is the use of magic to pass through the Line. A type of magic appears to be in place that prevents teleportation in or out of it (though these two facts have not been corroborated). When a magic has been attempted to protect the user while crossing the Line, their spell is canceled. While it's not considered a true anti-magic field, it shares properties with such a field.   In Kucura, the volcanic activity creates the Steam Fields, a harsh portion of the ocean where volcanic activity has created an acidic lake with poisonous steam.
Mountain Range


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