Iam Character in Ifiron | World Anvil


Immortuos (a.k.a. Iam)

Iam is a curiosity. The party found him in the aftermath of Aaron Elevir's invasion of the Church of Life's crypt, releasing the Harbinger of Ice. He was answering a call that he did not understand. As soon as the door was closed, the call stopped. All he knows of who he is, is that he can read the mysterious script of the Illuna.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iam stands at average height and build. He carries a worn shield on his back that represents a shield of possibly a knight. A glorious holy rider that once shone in the mid-day sun. Now, its metal edges are tarnished, worn and grooved. Scratches exist all over this shield in a repetitive pattern. Almost as if someone intentionally scratched the shine away. The once polished wooden middle is now chipped and splintered. The same marks from a knife litter the once polished layer. Then in the middle, an iron circle that once was decorated with filigree pattern now sits dark, grim and ruined. The holy symbol of a God now removed shows only an empty inlay. Marks around the edges show that at some point, someone decided to forsake this God. Leaving only the dark rough unfinished chasm of a once glorious shield. This former holy relic is now wrapped in cloth and silk. As if a crude attempt at hiding its former meaning had taken place.
  The rest of Iam is just as much of a quagmire. His build is that of a strong man. His shoulder sit high and powerful but yet his arms droop low and still. His right hand often rest on the hilt of his sword. He walks vertical and proud, but his head often leans to the ground. His armor is splint, though it is hidden. His entire body is wrapped in a range of colorful, dark and bloody cloths. As if a living mummy, none of his skin is visible. Only spots of his armor shines through when a gap appears.
  Over his face he wears a mask. The expression is that of content. Or perhaps of pain...maybe a smile. A steel faceplate with loops at both ends. Its tied to his face and then those wraps are layered to keep it in place.
  The only remnant of Iam that speaks to who he is. His sword. While the sheathe itself is wrapped and hidden of meaning on his belt, the sword itself when drawn shines as if new. Designs and engravings litter the blade. Rose petals lines the middle leaving the handle to look like that of strong oak tree. A gem sits as the pommel. Though it is tarnished and eroded.
  Over all of that, he wears a robe. Covering all of his bandages and wrappings he sulks in his own darkness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iam arrived in his current city from the desert. He was drawn there from his wandering in the sun by a voice that called to him. There he came upon the rest of the group that he now travels with.
His story before the sands he remembers is not yet known. He seeks information of both who he is, what he is and why he is.

Personality Characteristics


Iam is interested in the things around him. He often stares at anyone one person or item that seems to draw his ire. Though his words are chosen carefully, he clearly has an interest in nature and the life that surrounds him. He speaks nearly monotone leaving most inflection in his voice missing. He is not rude, nor an idiot but yet he will not offer when its not required. Leaving most questions of him
190 lbs


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