Astrean Empire Organization in idk | World Anvil
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Astrean Empire


The Emperor/Empress of Astrea holds all executive power over the governance of its people. Originally, this functioned more like a monarchy, with the king/queen in charge of all of his/her vassals, who carried out his demands. The power would transfer hereditarily. Over the years, this transitioned to be more similar to fascist dictatorships seen on Earth, however, since the beginning of the 46th century, after the second war of succession, a pseudo parliament was established to prevent a public uprising and to fit the treaty set down at the closing of the war. The function of this was to elect the emperor from one of their midst. They also facilitate the majority of the laws passed in the empire, although the emperor can veto any of them, as well as amend or propose new laws. There are 112 members of the Astrean parliament, 2 for each of the 55 provinces (former duchies) and 2 more to represent the nation as a whole. The Supreme Speakers of the Senate, as they are called. Each of these members are elected from the provinces and their own regional parliament, which is made up of representatives from anywhere from 4 to 17 counties. The representatives of the counties are elected by the people of those counties.   The Nautillian states president once called the governmental system, "A tea bag of bureaucracy that was left to steep, and was swiftly forgotten by the one who poured it."

Technological Level

Furthest ahead in the brewing space race. The nearby planet of Bedoke, as much of the astrological community calls it by its Hizp'en name, was recently landed on by Astrean astronauts, marking the first steps on alien soil.


Divinism (Orthodox) Divinism (Thasque)

Trade & Transport

Internal trade is mostly facilitated via train, which is much easier to ship along the mountain passes than trucks.

From snow to sea

Founding Date
Political, International
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Auster (translates to gold in old Astrean)
Judicial Body
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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