Indicolite Bloodline Sorceren Ethnicity in Homemarker | World Anvil
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Indicolite Bloodline Sorceren

Indicolite Bloodline sorceren originate in what is now Videnthoarf, and they are most commonly found there, through they are also found in the neighboring county of Vorpenthef, and in Ashnill. Their Homemarker is Lake Blein, which is the end point of the above ground portion of the Thoaphkeall branch of the Thefka River, after which it flows out from the lake as an underground river, and their patron diety is The Water Mother. As with all bloodlines, they have veins of discolored skin that mimics the apperance of the precious or semi-precious stone after which they're named, in this case Indicolite tourmaline, that spread accross their bodies. The veins originate just over the heart, and are relatively minor at birth, stretching no more than halfway to the collarbone and no more than halfway to the navel, while not spreading beyond the edge of the chest. The veins grow rapidly as energy is channled into them by their parents and other sorceren until they cover large swaths of the upper body, including the face. The sorceren grows in power as their veins become more prominant.   Indicolite Bloodline sorceren channel by sharing water. Energy is channeled from any Indicolite Bloodline sorceren in the water submerged in a body of water to any other sorceren submerged in that same body of water within a thousand feet, and gets drawn into their veins, making them more prominant. Baths count as bodies of water, so sharing baths is the main way that they channel, with all of those who are in the tub benefitting from each other. Communal family baths are quite common because of this. Such baths, while not healing, do have anti-microbial properties, meaning that wounds treated with water taken from an indicolite sorceren's bath will prevent infection, but will have negligable effects in terms of channeling.    The bloodline is skewed in that eighty percent of babies born within the bloodline are female. Because of that, the most common relationship type is polygany, with a man taking multiple wives.

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