Homar (part 1)- The Empire of the Eternal Sun, Bastion, and Avaria Homepage | World Anvil
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Homar (part 1)- The Empire of the Eternal Sun, Bastion, and Avaria


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"Welcome to Homar! From its Giant circling space stations to the mightly Xorian Knight fending off invaders, Homar is a land of endless possibility! Come to Homar now, and get 50% off your first land claim"! 

  • Homar Land Claim Agency (1 ACWC) 
  • In reality, Homar is an untamed world with 75% of its land being filled with undiscovered creatures, plants, and land. Dragons and Unicorns roam the land unchecked and potentially dangerous animals live in the sewers of Unity. The humanoids that do live here, however, are constantly divided among themselves, sticking to whatever technological level they exist in. In part 1 we will focus on the sieges and cities of the Empire of the Eternal Sun, Bastion, and Avaria. From that, we will then turn to the next in line, the polar opposites of steampunk Unity and Winged Seprality. Finally, we will look at the mighty Oversector Authority and its many cities among the stars. Many secrets lie hidden in Homar and beyond, some may be uncovered, but many might still lay in the sands of time.

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