Firearms Technology / Science in Highpass | World Anvil
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From pistols to blunderbusses to explosive sticks, the dwarves' mastery of combustion has been weaponised for their wars with drow, duergar and other aberrations that dwell in the Underdark. Just before the Age Of Flight, dwarves began trading these weapons with surface races, which lead to the invention of airship technology.    




Loading Misfire

  • Ammunition: bullets (10), 3GP. A cache of 10 bullets can be made using a set of tinker’s tools during a short rest, using 1lb of scrap metal.

  • This weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.

  • Misfire. On an attack roll of one, the gun misfires. You must use an action to make a DC10 dexterity check to clear the barrel. The gun cannot be used again until the barrel is clear.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d8 Piercing 30ft/60ft

Cost: 200GP
Weight: 2lbs




Loading Misfire

  • Ammunition: bullets (10), 3GP. A cache of 10 bullets can be made using a set of tinker’s tools during a short rest, using 1lb of scrap metal.

  • This weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.

  • Misfire. On an attack roll of one, the gun misfires. You must use an action to make a DC10 dexterity check to clear the barrel. The gun cannot be used again until the barrel is clear.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d12 Piercing 100ft/250ft

Cost: 500GP
Weight: 6lbs

  Game note: If a player character wants to train specifically in the use of firearms, an optional feat can be found below.  

Firearms Expert

Prerequisite: A Dexterity or Intelligence score of 13 or higher

  • You may ignore the loading property on firearms.
  • You gain proficiency with tinker’s tools. You may also add your proficiency to checks made to clear gun barrels.
  • You may use a bonus action instead of an action to attempt to clear a misfired weapon.


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