Aonghus Levitt Character in Helthoria | World Anvil
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Aonghus Levitt

Aonghus Levitt

After departing from his home in the bustling streets of Arkaley, Aonghas has made a pact in order to help in his continuous search.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Scrawny and short, especially when he wears all his layers. He has built up some upper arm strength due to his work around an axe, not like that would be seen much.

Body Features

Calloused hands and bitten down fingernails, visible ribs if he raised his arms high enough

Facial Features

Goat-like eyes that tend to stare off into the distance no matter where he is looking. A burgundy patch of skin that cover his nose an up around his eyebrows, akin to a birthmark with a slightly fuzzy texture. Sunken in appearance with heavy eye bags. Goatee on his chin the same colours as his hair. Thinning hairline lol.

Identifying Characteristics

The goat eyes, facial birthmark, goatee, short stature

Physical quirks

Hits the fucking blunt a lot. Bites fingernails out of boredom and nervousness

Special abilities

Could probably like bend his thumb down to his wrist.

Apparel & Accessories

A brown fleece turtleneck with a puffy long-sleeved sweater layered on top of that. A golden chain talisman with a large gold pendant hanging on his chest. Black harem pants and black slippered shoes.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Male, he/him pronouns. Looks more like an “it”.


Hasn’t thought much of romance or anything involving a partner, with his experience with friends and whatnot already being quite lacklustre. He does have eyes for a certain person in his life, so yeah he’s just gay.


Like a high schooler reading level thanks to his sister

Personality Characteristics


Smells of lavender, mothballs, and a hint of dead animal carcass.

After departing from his residence in the bustling streets of Arkaley, Aonghas has made a pact in order to help in his continuous search.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
5th of Okar, 1201
Male (He/him)
Orange with a horizontal slit pupil
Dirty strawberry blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unpleasantly Pasty
5'3 ft
115 lb
Known Languages

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