The Black Dunes Bestiary
The Black Dunes Bestiary
1. (The Kokkai Raven) Wings 2. (Ripple Breasted Dune Gecko) Stripes 3. (Aangar Nightmare) Horn 4. (Dune Crab) Shell 5. (Sand Sleeper Spider) Colorful 6. (Dune Otter) Nocturnal 7. (Chasm Creature) Mythical 8. (Jackalope) Prey 9. (Dune Wyrm) Monstrous 10. (Morning Viper) Danger 11. (Valari Cat) Purr 12. (Kasgar) Roar 13. (Banshee Monkey) Shriek 14. (Seastarved Jackal) Howl 15. (Brinebeast) Tamed 16. (Feral Hellhound) Pack 17. Burrow 18. Bond 19. Stinky 20. Gentle 21. Messenger 22. Food 23. Vicious 24. Silent 25. Parasite 26. Predator 27. Stalk
The Black Dunes are home to some of the most strange and wonderous creatures in Hell Proper. This short catalogue contains some of the most recognizable ones.
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