Tower 3 Building / Landmark in Hell's Cradle | World Anvil
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Tower 3

Located atop a mountain the Forsaken Lands of Ul'GoDo'l. There is a steep winding path up the mountain loose rocks are everywhere Dex save 13 to make it up successfully or loose your footing and tumble off the trail (30 ft drop). At the tower entrance is a Faerie dragon that holds the key to the door. "So you finally arrive" it says to the party, "I was begining to think that no mortals would ever come to unsow the seeds of their undoing, like Lucious told me they would". "But now that you're here we might as well see if you are worthy of task." To get my key you must answer my three riddles that i have had the last century to think up, if you answer any wrong I get to burn you alive, do we have a deal?" Upon either answering the riddles or capturing the key through force, the tower is accessed and inside is a chasm, seemingly bottomless. the lock is located at a small platform held in place at the center of the chasm about 200 ft down. inside the first room is a large cloth with handles and a lever. pulling the lever down emits a steady wind that lasts for 6 seconds, flipping it back up unleashes a firery gust that blows for 6 seconds. (while falling with the cloth in hand the first lever pull slows the decent while the second pull launches them back up: freefall- 30ft down/ 6sc, leverdown 10ft/ 6sc, lever up 40 ft up/ 6 sec). landing on the platform requires a dex save of 15 or continue falling. Breaking the lock is the same as the first tower.
Monument, Large
Parent Location

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