Aarakocra Species in Hell's Cradle | World Anvil
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Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the Aarakocra, sometimes called birdfolk, evoke fear and wonder. Currently living on the slopes of Hel'baurg, the Aarakocra originated from the Thunderspine Mountains and construct houses of thatch and wood up in the trees. Although they need to take shelter in the city during storms, and their homes are usually destroyed, the Aarakocra live meagerly with few possessions and their houses are easily rebuilt. They predominantly follow a clan/tribe leader, however they currently serve King Strozzad Lavariver of the Dwarves. Aarakocra are natural hunters and gatherers, so if the need to trade arises they fly around the mountains in search for goods to trade, but that is rarely needed as they are mostly self sufficient.

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