Pirate Mythos Myth in Heka | World Anvil
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Pirate Mythos

Ironbeard: A silver-bearded dwarf notorious for his cruelty and viciousness when it came to ransacking towns. Mostly operated north, near the Frigid.   Seagull and Pelican: A pair of rival aasimar sisters, constantly trying to best eachother in amounts of loot gained and general fuckery. Helping one is essentially scorning the other, so you have to be careful who you ally yourself with.   The Kraken: It's a fucking kraken, my dude.   Alicyno The largest triton settlement, VERY deep underwater. Leaving your boat anchored above it's rough location is a sign you'd like to do some trade.   The Moored: A ship that's supposedly the remains of a world-travelling band of pirates that existed before the Rending. Now a ghost ship that travels the Maret sea, spooking sailors and sinking the occasional boat

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