Worldline Spell in Heaven's Ego | World Anvil
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Causes a device capable of computation to simulate the immediate area around itself, with changes in the initial parameters decided by the caster. Details about what occurred within the simulation are then made available within the device for playback or further analysis.

Side/Secondary Effects

The size of the simulation and the length of time the simulation progresses for is directly related to the available processing power and memory of the system which it is used on. All available resources are used while the simulation is being run, causing the device to heat up and potentially fail without adequate cooling depending on how long the simulation is meant to look forward. The spell cannot predict that which is outside of its simulation distance, making it unsuitable for using it to have a broad understanding of what the future holds. Furthermore, the device cannot be used for anything else while the simulation is active. Top of the line Consumer-grade computers can barely handle a volume of three centimeters cubed, making them largely unsuitable for use with this spell for its intended purpose.


A grid of light pulses from the device the spell is used on, combing through all surfaces to build its simulation up to the limit of what the device is capable of handling. The field collapses inwards and processing begins. If playback is desired, a small holographic box will be projected and the simulation will play out within it. There are interface options which allow the view to move around, the simulation to be paused, rewound or fast forwarded.


Worldline was developed by a team of researchers, engineers, and mages to provide a safer alternative to spell design and testing than is more traditionally used. This spell has been sold for top dollar to institutions seeking to create spells that cater to their usage case, such as Zeal Manatronics.

There's been instances of less reputable actors attempting to steal and learn the spell. Much to their disappointment, they found it to have a form of DRM.
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Related Element
Applied Restriction
DRM prevents unauthorized spell usage

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