The more you know! Spell in Heaven's Ego | World Anvil
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The more you know!


User is capable of finding one fact per day per person, varying in levels of importance. She is capable of using it 10 times per day, but never on the same person twice, until the next day. They need to be within vicinity of the person to use the spell.

1d5 Roll dice to determine level of importance:
1- Trivial (Favourite color, favourite flavor of ice cream etc)
2 - Unimportant (Date of birth, name of family members etc)
3 - Moderate (Less known facts, like recent activity or an home address etc)
4 - Important (Important, relevant facts about a person that are not secrets, but also not widely known)
5 - Secrets (Hush hush shit noone or very few people are aware of)
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