Drow Species in Heart of Darkness Multiverse | World Anvil
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"Outlive your superiors and the world is yours" - Drow proverb
Drow are a subspecies of elf native to the Underdark, located deep below the surface of the earth. They're notable for their matriachral societal structure, longstanding conflict with Wood Elves, Eladrin, and Dwarves, and their devotion to the goddess Lolth. They are very rarely seen on the surface world--most that do are refugees from their own civilization or vicious slavers. Most assume the latter and kill them on-sight.   Their cities are vast, labyrinthine structures of smooth stone, crystal, and spiderwebs. Within, law is kept by competing noble houses, who hold a loose coalition while secretly plotting against one another to further the ambitions of their own houses. The Cult of Lolth dominates drow society--it's a death sentence to worship other gods, particularly those of the Pentatheon.

Basic Information


Most Drow are slender, some to the point of appearing gaunt, especially in their facial features. Their skin ranges from obsidian to deep purple hues and their hair is nearly universally white. Most drow have red or white eyes, although violet is not unheard of.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Female drow rule over males with impunity--males are only slightly above slaves in the social hierarchy. There have been attempts to reform, especially by young radicals, but none have seemed to ever really take effect ion the long term.


Stories told by the Wood Elves and Eladrin say that the Drow abandoned their people and chose to follow Lolth into the Underdark, forever turning their back on their kin. In time, this abandonment worsened into outright antagonism, with Drow raiding parties kidnapping their elven cousins and subjecting them to slavery, torture, and even ritual sacrifice.

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