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Tin Mites

Responsible for countless electrical and logic failures throughout history, tin mites pose a hazard in those systems. On a microscopic scale, these tiny creatures consume metallic tin, dust and atmospheric gasses. They flourish in environments with atmospheric sulphur compounds. Extremely slow growing and long lived, they are extremely cryptic, being nearly impossible to find. They are solitary and never more than five or six are found in any given area. They climb slowly over metal surfaces until they encounter tin metal or tin ores, although they can move quite quickly if needed. As they bio-utilize the tin, they excrete thin filaments of tin and tin-oxides. For hundreds of years, the mystery of the origin of these tin whiskers was unknown. The tiny creatures are nearly transparent and seem to bend light with a refractive index nearly identical to that of air, rendering them nearly invisible.

Basic Information


The tiny mites have a typical crablike appearance, with no eyes and tiny hairs that sense electric fields. Females are twice as large and have a conspicuous egg sack on thier back. Eggs are laid in clutches of six to eight and carried in this sack until hatching, at which point the mother disperses.

Growth Rate & Stages

Only adult specimens and some eggs have been found, along with one deceased specimen. Very little is known about the growth stages of this creature, but is surmised that the mother carries eggs on her back in a specialized pouch, then upon hatching they all disperse slowly and find thier own way to new food sources.

Ecology and Habitats

They thrive in humid, smoggy conditions such as those found around water treatment facilities and power stations. Sulfur compounds and dusty environments also seem to speed thier growth, although long term monitoring is needed as they grow extremely slowly.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These mites can sense light, electric fields, vibration, and, seemingly, dark matter. They seem to be able to communicate over some distance by sending ultra low frequency tight band radio transmissions, although very rarely, and this is still being studied.
Tenebrae Stannumus
Conservation Status
Currently considered a pest, they are exterminated by technologically advanced cultures by a system of insecticidal gasses, introduction of synthetic parasites, and engineered bacteria

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