Ring Habdon Settlement in Haven | World Anvil
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Ring Habdon

They found an entire setllement, abandoned while hunting for savannah grouse. Built into a depression in the earth, beside a orange rock formation, and tapping a tiny oasis with pumping equipment. Dusty and grimy, yet strangely untouched, they found intact supplies of food and water. The only writing they could read was a large sign reading "Ring Hab" and several small placards warning of various hazards such as radiation, electricity, fire and mechanical pinching. Mostly though, signs were covered in an unreadable language and many systems are unknown and untouched because of this. Remains of some animals such as dogs and a strange large lizard were found buried here, seemingly pets of the previous residentts. Many small garden plots were also uncovered, but no viable seeds could be found there.   Eventually it was renovated and re-settled, although some doors refuse to open, containing unknown secrets.


The town now employs a large force of guardsmen who patrol the gate and circutous wire fence that surrounds the settlement. Invisible booby traps litter the area between the perimiter fence's interior, yet go undisturbed by the guard dogs who also sniff about here. Tall poles around the fenceline shimmer with mirrors within, allowing men at the base to see about at a great distance, watching for raider convoys or weather hazards.


Found in some storerooms as solid wire and a few pallets of ingots was a large quantity of copper metal, which was quickly sold off by the discoverers to pay for construction and import of renovation materials to reclaim the settlement. Many curious sets of clothing were found, which seem to breathe and yet protect the body from the sun and elements while being as thin as the finest silk.


It seems the original inhabitants enjoyed a comfortable existance until some unknown threat called them all away suddenly, without time to pack thier belongings or bring thier livestock. After this, it lay abandoned for a long time until discovered by hunters and resettled. Now, it is known as a community of historians and caravaners.

Points of interest

Many curiosities such as the eternal fountain, which provides clean water from deep underground continuously, and the sparkling dome which shows the night sky at all times from indoors with a queer cyan light. Many undiscovered artifacts lie behind locked doors.


Treasure hunters may pay a fee of 10,000 copper to enter the abandoned factory buildings in the western quarter.


Lying in a flat plain, a small depression hides the bulk of the settlement, save for a couple of twisted, twirling wind towers and a steep rock formation of red desert stone.


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