Lithonia Organization in Hathren | World Anvil
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The great stone cliffs of Lithonia

reside on the northeastern cliffs and shores of Elestein. Upon these lands, the bird worshippers of Lithonia reside among eachother. The nobility of the Lithonans is unparalleled to all others of the realm. They protect the weak and serve the poor. Their whole religion is built upon acceptance and love of others and seeing them for who they are, and not what they are.


Holy Wing Chosen is the overall leader rank of Lithonia and is a monarch in the sense that they have total power over an area and usually rule for life. The rank however is not based in a bloodline and is determined in a ritual. This ritual is determined by releasing a Copper-Crowned Swordbill in front of the canidates and whoever it lands on is chosen as Holy Wing Chosen.


The outcroppings of stone and hills under Lithonia are rich with iron, so the Lithonans make steel. This steel is used for weapons and armor, as a large size of the population are knights and require high quality armor.

Foreign Relations

Lithonia has tension with Monadel, as they have claimed holy territory, Ademars believed birthplace, Hwen. They claim the land should be theres as its a major religious point for their culture and peoples.

Mythology & Lore

The founding of Lithonia was hundreds of years ago, unclear is the origin of the being known as Ademar, First Holy Wing Chosen, but they are a hero of legend and renown, and delicate nature, and are told of as a founding legend of Lythonia.
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Economic System
Etchings are small copper and silver circles with engravings of birds and swords. Copper etchings are worth less than silver but can be addded up to one silver etching.
Thirty Copper Etchings are equal to One Silver Etching.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Items
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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