Affasha Jarvadni Character in Harrian Hass | World Anvil
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Affasha Jarvadni

Monk of Shadow Mountain Walks in Ashes Shadow Mountain (a.k.a. Affasha Jarvadni, Asha, Ashes)

"This one is proud of you, kit." Two split green eyes peer out from under a pale hood.   "Asha is uncertain she is ready." Walks in Ashes casts her eyes toward the sand. She can see paw marks trailing in every direction in her peripheral vision. Several other Shamans stand in rows to her right and left, heads bowed softly chanting to the Cat Lord. Her knees make shifting dents in the sand as she kneels at the feet of her tutor.   The Shaman gently presses a clawed paw to Asha's chin and tilts her head upward. There is understandable fear in those amber eyes. But behind it is the curious, adventure-keen Tabaxi that has come so far already.   "Ahh, but this one is certain." The cat smiles kindly.   The mountain's groans are quiet and consistent behind them as it pumps lava through its veins and coughs ash onto the plains. The Shaman reaches down and cups a mixture of dirt and ash in his hand, palming it together.   "The time has come for us to join the world. This one is confident you are the right choice to lead us there."   Walks in Ashes nods resolutely as her jaw sets and her eyes clear. A tingle of excitement alights in her chest at the mention of the world she's about to see. She glances right at her ready pack, a quarterstaff securely strapped to it's side, a lyre poking through the top flap, rations and gold fitted into secret compartments.   "The Three bless you. And we name you Affasha Jarvadni: Monk of Shadow Mountain." The Shaman swipes a brazen streak across Asha's eyes as she kneels before him.   Her heart blazes with pride at her new world name.   "Rise."   She does so with the ease and grace of 18 years of careful study. Her body is a curled whip, flexible as cord, but a devastating weapon when the need arises. She knows it can't be true, but she feels taller now, as if the mountain itself shrinks back at her courage.   The chanting ceases and the ceremony concludes. All that is left is the journey to Harrian Hass.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Good fitness, feline agility, slender body shape, long gait,

Body Features

Dark honey fur, amber eyes, lightly stripped in tiger pattern,

Facial Features

Soft facial structure, large darting eyes,

Identifying Characteristics

Nose ring, ear hoops and dermal piercing

Physical quirks

Tail gives away emotions to those able to read it's eccentricities.

Apparel & Accessories

Romanian style travelers garb.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Temple of the Three

Accomplishments & Achievements

Chosen to stalk the land and bring back vital world information for the clan

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic Neutral - Independent and Realistic


Touching of whiskers or tail without express invitation

Personality Characteristics


To return to my tribe with the history and knowledge of the outside world. To spread good will in regards to my people.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Dexterous at weaving, and other sleight of hand activities that are related to the natural world. Inept at technology and average understanding of magic.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates the cold, and the rain, and the wet. Adores warm climates and hot sun bathing.

Personality Quirks

You miss your tropical home and complain endlessly about the freezing weather, even in summer. Minor phobia of water and hate getting wet. Tail always betrays inner thoughts. Pur loudly when happy.


Cat bathes regularly and keeps clothes clean but won't shower unless required.


Contacts & Relations

Mila, the Alchemist

Family Ties

Her family gave her to the shaman and the monestary very young when she showed a perchant for curiosity and adventure.

Religious Views

The Three and the Cat Lord

Social Aptitude

Confident and sassy, but lacking the general understanding of ettiquette and manners outside her own clan. Often steps over the bounderies of others accidentally, and doesn't read other races very well.


"This one..." Speaks in third person occasionally. Tail usually twitching.

Hobbies & Pets

Writes private poetry about her journeys, has an affinity with all feline creatures, occasionally weaves tapestries and blankets


High pitch, khajiity accent. Uses Tabaxi phrases. "May the moon guide you." "Three eat your heart!" "Go to warmer sands." "May you lose half your whiskers in the forest."

Wealth & Financial state

Like most of her kind, she doesn't desire gold or material goods and instead complies stories and histories relevant or entertaining for her clan.
Chaotic Neutral
Amber, wide
Spun hay, wavy with braids, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Honey
Known Languages
Common Tongue, Payit (Tabaxi tongue)

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Monk 6 Class & Level
Outlander Background
Tabaxi Race
Chaotic Neutral Alignment

Strength 13
Dexterity 20
constitution 16
intelligence 13
wisdom 16
charisma 12
Total Hit Dice 3
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+3 Strength
+8 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
+3 Wisdom
+1 Charisma
saving throws
+8 Acrobatics
+1 Animal Handling
+1 Arcana
+1 Athletics
+1 Deception
+1 History
+6 Insight
+1 Intimidation
+1 Investigation
+3 Medicine
+1 Nature
+6 Perception
+1 Performance
+1 Persuasion
+1 Religion
+5 Sleight of Hands
+8 Stealth
+3 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Martial weapons, simple weapons, weaver's tools, lyre, basic communication with feline entities
Ki points: 6

Stunning Strike: Melee weapon attack + spend 1 ki point to attempt stunning strike. Creature stunned until your next turn unless succeeding Con save.

Fluffy of Blows: spend 1 ki to make two unarmed attacks as a bonus action.

Way of the Open Claw (Flurry required): Creature makes Dex save, knocked prone if fail. Creature makes Str save, push 15 ft away on fail. Creature can't take reactions until player's next turn

Deflect Missiles: Use reaction to catch missles when hit by range attack. Dam reduced by 1d10 + Dex mod + Monk lvl. If reduced to 0, spend 1 ki to make a ranged attack as part of same reaction.

Slow Fall: Use reaction when falling to reduce damage by 5x Monk lvl.

Wholeness of Body: Use action to regain hit points equal to 3x monk lvl. Long rest in-between uses.
10 Darts
Hunting trap
2 Person Tent
Soft Padded Camping Bed
Thick notebook and pencil
Explorers Pack:
  • backpack
  • mess kit
  • tinderbox
  • 10 torches
  • 10 days of rations
  • water skin
  • 50ft hemp rope
  • Equipment
    Oblivious to etiquette and social expectations. Driven from home by wanderlust. I place no stock in wealth or manners.
    Personality Traits
    Life is like seasons, and we must change with them. The natural world is more important than civilisation.
    My tribe is the most important thing to me. I will bring back the knowledge of the world they seek.
    I can't help but give chase if my prey runs. I often descend into growls and hisses when angry. I care little for the plight of others unless given reason to.
    Extra Attack:attack twice instead of once each time the attack action is used.

    Cat's Claws: 20ft climb speed, advantage on climbing checks, unarmed attack is slashing damage

    Feline Agility: can move double speed once per turn if previous turn movement wasn't used (bonus action)

    Dark Vision: 60ft dim light as if its bright, 60ft darkness as if its dim

    Martial Arts: Use Dex instead of Str for unarmed or Monk strikes. Can use bonus action to attack again using unarmed strike.

    Unarmored Movement: Can move 15ft faster when not wearing armor
    Features & Traits

    Heroes Enabled


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