Xian Fu Character in Hanyao | World Anvil
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Xian Fu

Xian Fu (a.k.a. The Black Dragon of the Cherry Mountains)

Today, Xian Fu is known as the god of Mountains and Rivers, and he is also a well known martial god. He's nicknamed the Black Dragon of the Cherry Mountains. All of these names come from his backstory, which is a bit of a long one.   Xian Fu was born in Beihai to a middle class family. He had always shown an interest in cultivation and martial arts, and he managed to become an apprentice under an experienced cultivator from Zundai named Wei Honghui. Wei Honghui had moved to Beihai several years before, and he gladly took on the new apprentice. Xian Fu turned out to be exceptional at martial arts, specifically with a long sword. His cultivation skills on the other hand were somewhat lacking. Xian Fu had difficulties focusing his spiritual energy to use cultivation spells, and he wasn't great at meditating.   His martial skills were impressive, enough so that he was able to get into the Zundai Knight Academy with Wei Honghui's recommendation. For several years, Xian Fu practiced and honed his skills at the Zundai Knight Academy. He made a name for himself there by placing high in tournaments and helping the common folk in his free time.   Xian Fu and Wei Honghui were one day sent together out into the wilderness to meditate, but while they were training their endurance beneath a waterfall, a vicious water serpent attacked them, planning to eat Wei Honghui to absorb his high spiritual energy. However, Xian Fu reacted quickly and sliced the giant serpent's head off with one slash of his sword. Accidentally, this single slash also had enough power and energy behind it that it carved out another river from the one that the serpent came from... After this, Xian Fu became known as the River Warrior.   Several years later, Xian Fu graduated from the Zundai Knight Academy and became a true knight and martial artist. He still wanted to train in cultivation with Wei Honghui as well, so they stuck together as they traveled back to Beihai to the Cherry Mountains to meditate and focus their spiritual energies. When they arrived, they were attacked, this time by a demonic dragon rather than a serpent. The dragon had come down from the skies to tear down the Cherry Mountains, but it ended up in a day-long fight with Xian Fu. The reason the fight lasted this long was not because Xian Fu couldn't hit the dragon, but because the dragon's scales couldn't be broken through by a sword and were immune to spiritual magic, and Xian Fu had to defend the mountains from the dragon.   Finally, Xian Fu grew tired of fighting this endless battle, so he appeared to give up and let the dragon swallow him whole. Once he was inside the stomach of the dragon, he used his sword to slice his way out, killing the dragon from the inside where it was vulnerable. At last, the demonic dragon was slain, and Xian Fu was victorious. It was this feat that earned Xian Fu his place as a god, as he ascended while covered in the blood of the dragon. When he ascended, he took the form of that dragon, turning into the god of Mountains and Rivers, as well as a martial god for his abilities, and he earned the title of the Black Dragon of the Cherry Mountains.


God of Mountains and Rivers as well as a world renowned martial god. He often stays around his palace in Beihai, the Tianhua Palace, where he meditates and acts as an instructor or teacher for young cultivators.

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Lawful Good
Current Residence
Tianhua Palace
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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