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Haneirot Halalu

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Haneirot Halalu is an alternative speculative future, where technology is largely steampunk- and dieselpunk-based, as well as solar-powered towards the era the story is set in. In Haneirot Halalu's universe, Earth functions much better than it does in our universe, though government is still corrupt, and many of the problems facing our world still persist.   In Haneirot Halalu, eight young Jewish adults are tasked with finding each other; their souls are "sibling souls", meaning that while the human bodies the souls reside in are not siblings in this life, their souls are. Once the eight of them are gathered, they will be able to summon the moshiach of this age, who they expect to usher in a new golden age where technology won't even be needed, government will be done away with, and everyone will live in paradise.   However, it's not so easy finding each other. Obviously, not all eight of them were born around the same place, or in the same circumstances, and while Haneirot Halalu's version of Earth includes kabbalah magic, such magic is only available to kabbalists or people who spend many years studying Talmud. In addition, many of the technological advances we have today, like jet planes, motorcycles, and the like aren't available in Haneirot Halalu, which has taken a somewhat different turn. It will be difficult for the eight of them to find each other with only a faint feeling leading them where they need to go, and especially because not all of them even live on the same continent.   And of course, there's the unspoken question almost all of them are too afraid to ask; will summoning the moshiach even be able to repair this world? Some of them have been taught since they were young that the moshiach will begin a time of peace and happiness, but others among them don't believe that such a thing can really exist, while still others aren't sure there's even a moshiach at all, and dismiss the entire thing as an exercise in futility. And even if moshiach does appear, no one knows what will actually happen. Will summoning moshiach work, and if it does, will anything even end up being different, or has this adventure led to the single biggest disappointment any of them have faced so far?

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