Hoknath, God of Strength and Courage Character in Hanahn | World Anvil
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Hoknath, God of Strength and Courage

God of Strength and Courage

Hoknath is the god of Strength and Courage. He was once a mortal orc who led a slave uprising against the nation of Ashon. After his victory, he was crowned as the first emperor of the Chean Empire and ruled justly and kindly. He famously said after his ascension to power, "the time of war is over, it is time to hang up our swords and pick up our hammers. It is time to forge a nation of peace and freedom." After Hoknath's death, he was invited into the pantheon of the gods by Siglir, the god of Extravagance and Celebration, as a reward for his great deeds.   The majority of the Chean Empire worships Hoknath. Each Chean emperor has been a descendent of Hoknath, each sharing his name.   The symbol of Hoknath is the red bear paw.    


  Most of the Chean Empire are followers of Hoknath The Chain-Breaker.
God of Triumph and Strength   AKA: The Chain-Breaker, The Great Emperor, Hoknath the Great

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