Yuan-Ti Pureblood Species in Hammer Fall | World Anvil
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Yuan-Ti Pureblood

Purebloods were the most human-seeming of all true yuan-ti and one of three main breeds

Basic Information


Purebloods were described as human-like but with minor reptilian features, such as snake-like eyes, a forked tongue, and patches of scales on their skin.   Purebloods had weights and heights in the same range as humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

Purebloods could mate with half-bloods or abominations but usually did not. Like other yuan-ti, they hatched from eggs and reached adulthood by twelve years of age. An average lifespan for any yuan-ti was 80 years, but attaining an age as great as 120 years was possible

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While not as powerful as other yuan-ti forms, purebloods still had psionic powers. Like all yuan-ti, they could morph their bodies into the form of any viper by force of will alone and could sense the presence of any poison nearby. They were also innately resistant to magic. They were not as intelligent as half-bloods, yet they still took pride in being more intelligent on average than humans.   The psionic powers of purebloods included the ability to charm other humanoids, to entrance animals, to cause fear, to create darkness, and to command plants to entangle opponents.   Purebloods were very adept at impersonating humans, and often entered human settlements in disguise as spies

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