The Creation Story Myth in Halcyon | World Anvil
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The Creation Story

In my travels I have spoken to both Asiris and Celia and asked them about the famous creation story. Asiris believes it happened more or less how it has been passed down through legend, although Celia believes the legend does not emphasize enough how handsome he was.
— Rhogar's Encyclopedia of the Realms

In The Beginning

Before the concept of time there existed only the chaos of raw elemental energy echoing through the cosmos. It was all that existed. There was nothing before, there existed nothing else, and there would likely never be. The passage of time was indefinite, for there were no eyes or minds to live through it, nor was there the rise and fall of night and day to track its coming and going. But at some singular point, an entity emerged from the elemental chaos. It was nothing but a spark of energy, the right combination of elemental chaos that began the path to sentience. Eventually, the spark grew and matured until it could think for itself. Its thoughts were beyond the comprehension of anything mortal, for what thoughts would one think when there is no world around you to influence your conscience? This spark grew tired and lonely. What was the point of existence if there was nothing else that existed. The spark knew what it had to do, as all sparks dream of doing: create something vast.  

A Great Divide

Creating a universe is a lonely business, and so the spark split itself into two. It created an equal. These two beings would share the burden of creation and they would grow alongside one another. They learned to harness the elemental power that surrounded them and mold it into what they saw fit. When the two beings were first created, they were identical. But as the early eons of their existence fell away, the two developed their own personalities. The one now known as Asiris was determined and orderly. He sought to build vast and inspiring places and peoples. Celia, on the other hand, was patient and took time in created a wide array of things.    

The Planes of Existence

Asiris and Celia worked together to create their first domain of existence: The Material Plane. Here, they populated it with all of their first creations. Light. Water. Earth. Mortal creatures. All that could live and die was put on the mortal plane and set free to do as they please. Asiris and Celia had little desire to mettle in the affairs of their creations, for they saw themselves as artisans and the universe their creation. But as the material plane began to grow, so to mortal beings began to die. Asiris and Celia has given all things living a soul, and to make a place for this soul after it has left the material plane, they created a world for these spirits. It mirrored the material plane and was called the Plane of Spirits. Eventually, Asiris and Celia grew tired of compromise with each other, and decided that they should each have their own domain to rule. Asiris created the Astral Plane, a heaven above the mortal plane. There he ruled as God of the Sun and spread his warmth and energy to the material plane below. Celia created the Ethereal Plane where she ruled as God of the Moon. She spread her wisdom and cunning to the material plane above.  

Dwindiling of Power

After thousands of years of creation, the two gods felt something strange. They felt the strain of creation. To them, it was once effortless. While they were never individually omnipotent (As their division into two being split their ability to know all and do all), pulling upon the strings of the elements to make the universe came with ease. But now it took great effort to make the sweeping changes they once could. The elemental chaos that once dominated the universe had dwindled greatly. Their resource of creation was now nearly gone. The two gods of Halcyon still have great power, but now they use their powers of creation sparingly and instead focus on ruling over their respective domains.

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