Chapter 2: Morning in Halarion | World Anvil
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Chapter 2: Morning

I woke up the sun shining through the curtain, I turned to see if Shui had made it back last night and it would seem that he didn't. The other bed was still left neatly folded and tucked in just like how it was last night. He probably got wasted, almost nobody knows that he's developing a drinking problem, and I promised I wouldn't tell anyone but it's getting harder to watch him descend into alcohlism. But a promise is a promise. I got up and washed up, in the mirror I could see that my face was filled with cuts, likely from all the vines and brush of the jungle. I was alarmed to see a large gash on the left of my jaw and I was suprised I hadn't noticed it before, and how nobody pointed it out earlier.   I made sure to try and wash all of my cuts, and all the spects of mud and dirt still on my body. Then proceeded to head down towards the dining room, where my likely drunk bother fell alseep. I'd view my brother as on the most virtious people I've every meet. Strong, kind, smart, and handsome he really had it all. All usually agree he's a nice guy but maybe I'm just worrying to much, I mean he's always wanted to and now after turning 23 he can. So maybe he's just riding a high I guess.   "But if this continues, I'm gonna say something, I'm not gonna let him hurt himself." I said the last bit out loud.   I reached the elevator and pressed on the petal, the platform jolted and I began to decend. I pressed down on the petal once again, and began to move faster. I noticed the carving on the way down, looking like patterns of trees and leaves. As I moved closer to the lobby the elevator began to grow brighter and more sounds of people talking filled the air. Then the beam of light illuminated the elevator as I stopped on the lobby, I walked down the steps of stairs still adjusting to the flash of light. And was meet with the cozy lobby that I had first seen their were two men at the fire place drinking what I was left to assume to be tea.   There was another all gentleman at the bookshelf smoking a pipe and reading a book. Then at the desk was an elderly women who greeted me, " Good morning, foods just been brought into the dinging area."   "Oh uh good morning, and thank you."   "Your welcome, I'd recommed the bread, it's from the forstbiten ovens of Shinnoks. Freshly broken out of cryonics it's amazing." She said with a warm smile   "Alright well I'll give it a try then." I tried giving the same warm smile but I don't think I could ever replicate it.   Inside the kitchen was a group of 6 men likely traveling traders eat and talking with an extremely upbeat energy, to their right was a couple reading some kind of map and on the opposite end of the kitchen was my brother sipping on probably coffee. We don't really have coffee where were from and he and I have always wanted to try it. I walked towards the machine that dispened the coffee and was instantly sidetracked at the bead the lobbist mentioned earlier, there was a mist seeping out of the container I believe if I remember corretly that was (the cool carbon mist) a specialty of the Shinnoks, I'd only seen it in the text books of school somthing as cold as that would never make it long in the desert.   I grabbed a couple of slices of bread from the silver container, the mist nipping at my skin. The bread was in perfect shape despite the mist which would mean their a extra amount of moisture, but the bread was still in perfect shape. Warm, fluffy, and still had that fresh out of the oven smell. Truely a marvel from the Shinnoks I thought as I walked over to Shui's table.   "So, how was drinking last night?" I asked   "I was only drinking because some Yunc walked in and started preaching all night."   "So you toned them out?"   "Yes, and it took a lot."   "Well good to hear it was for a good cause." I said sarcastically.   "Come on take that bread and lets go."   "But I just got here!" I protested.   "I don't care, were gonna be late if we don't go right now."   "Fine! But what about our stuff?"   "I had it called down he replied." "It should be in the lobby right now."   I walked over and grab some parchment from the buffet and wrapped up my bread. "Lets get going then. I guess." We both got up and prceed to walk into the lobby our bags were neatly lined up at the base of the stairs and the lobbist seemed to be talking to the two men from earlier at the fireplace. "I already checked us out, so let just get our stuff and head to the port."Said Shui while grabbing mine and his bag.   After taking and slinging my bag onto my shoulder I walked through the door Shui had just opened into the roaring and bustling streets of The Hub.

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