Chapter 2: Drases rising in Halarion | World Anvil
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Chapter 2: Drases rising

written by Mr Salt
Once Owen finds out he has made a great mistake an unholy god in the name of Dras has been reborn. Dras begins to let out his army of the undead onto the village to grow into an empire of death, and despair. The boy was lucky due to the summoning of Dras. The boy was granted anything he wanted.Although the boy was scared and alone and as the only remains of his village. The people Dras has killed are now frozen and built to an ice throne of body parts. The fallen village was made of steampunk, and gear. Therefore the technology was more advanced and deadly. The god Dras was sitting on his throne of body parts with guards of shadow and weaponary of sythes. the dark cold wrath has just begun.

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