Kark'na Tradition / Ritual in Haela | World Anvil
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Kark'na is a strategy game, one played by the wise old ones. They say it mirrors life. Life, and death and for those who truly understand, the politics of a corrupt Parliament. To know how to play Kark'na is to know how to play the game of power and the game of life.


It was born out of fires of boredom in the midst of long journeys across the desert, but today there is not a single Rauhiri child who does not know its name. Generally it is taught to the rich and powerful as a tool for learning strategy, but with its mercantile beginning, it is not uncommon to see it played by old traders in the corner of the market square, or used as a way of conducting negotiations.


There are anywhere from two to nine players. Each player brings their own set of pieces to the game, but in smaller games, players can have as many as four sets each.

Components and tools

Kark'na requires a wooden playing board, split into 63 hexagonal sections. Some sections are empty, some are inked with symbols like a sun, hourglass, storm or coin. Depending on the board, these drawings can be simple shapes or detailed drawings.

Each player has a set of pieces to place upon the board. These pieces fall into three categories. In the first category of Man, the pieces are the Maiden, the Minister and the Merchant. The second category is the Deviant, containing the Dealer, the Dissident and the Devourer. The third category is the Sacred which holds the Saint, the Spirit, and the Seer.

It is considered an essential challenge to a Master in their craft to carve the pieces of Kark'na set to come to life. As a result, pieces are often exquisitely detailed and lovingly created. The richest of the rich commission pieces to be delicately created out of glass or gold to display their wealth. The poorest merchants often carve simple blocks out of whatever is available. Not a single set of pieces is alike.


Games occur between the wealthy and between the poor, between anyone who has the smarts to see the patterns and the parts. The ability to play well is a sign of intelligence and is highly esteemed.
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