Councillor Profession in Haela | World Anvil
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A Councillor's position is officially to advise the Empress or Emperor in his or her role in leading the country and superficially seems to have no power. However, the Council actually is handed off all tasks that do not merit the Emperor or Empress's time. Usually that means that most government tasks are dealt with and voted on by the Council. A Councillor has a huge amount of power in that way and are part of an elite oligarchy.



Councillors are usually a highly educated noble who has the right connections and most likely was tutored throughout most of their life.

Career Progression

Generally Councillors' roles pass downward through families to the most successful heir. However, with enough cunning and good connections, someone could possibly make it to the Council without inheriting their role.

Payment & Reimbursement

This is not a paid job, but if wanted, quarters at the palace in Maeluja are supplied. Most Councillors have their own estates and do not live in the palace, however.

Other Benefits

Being a Councillor is an extremely powerful and respected profession. Councillors are almost never contradicted for fear of punishment and are given the best of everything because there are almost always people vying for influence of the Council through bribery and flattery.



Councillors make laws and keep the government running.

Social Status

It is a profession generally for those of the highest caste.


Councillors are almost all Aelgari. The few who are not, have to be extremely careful and clever to maintain such a powerful position in an elite class that does not like sharing power.


Councillors use to be much less powerful. They were simply advisors to the Empress or Emperor, who would decide everything. The smaller tasks slowly drifted away from the Empress's purview to that of the advisors, who soon formed the Council.
Alternative Names
It is an extremely demanding job, with constant meetings, committees, and votes.

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