Uladi's Feathers Plot in Gwynndor | World Anvil
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Uladi's Feathers

Find Uladi and ask for help with the blight.

Reaching her cottage.

In order to reach her home the party will have to take the northeastern road out of town and cross the bridge. Once crossed the swamp around them becomes noticibly thicker, if the party does not pay heed losing the path becomes a real danger.

Random Encounter
MM31, 400XP (3 enemies), CR:Medium

  • If party wanders or PC falls behind a Vine Blight will attempt Contrict (Escape DC12)
  • About halfway there some woody bushes block the path ahead. If party enters (Or reach within 60ft) 2xTwig Blight, 1x Vine Blight attempting Constrict (Escape DC12)


As the party nears the Uladi's Hut they notice huge colonies of spiders of all different sorts and sizes, even some giant ones. They will remain peaceful unless provoked. A small clearing appears, at the center of which stands a small but cozy looking cottage, smoke rises from it's chimney. A boggy path leads the way.

Meeting Uladi

While approaching the cottage the spiders seem to be increasing with everystep. It becomes difficult to take a step without risking a cobweb in the face.

  • Upon reaching the cabin, those with a passive perception of 12+ Notice how somehow there is not a single spider actually in contact with the structure.

  • The small wooden door is left unlatched, upon knocking a melodic woman's voice will invite them in.

The interior of the building is dimly lit, (Non-Darkvision) It takes a moment for the eyes to adjust. There is no furniture in the room except for a counter, upon which a large selection of alchemy tools and ingredients lie scattered, which runs along the wall left of the entrance. And a tall sturdy looking table, also crowded with a plethora of items. A sort of shiny string (Uladi's Web), extends from the rafters, seemingly haphazardly directioned. On it all sorts of herbs, barks and even some fleshy parts are hung out dry.

  1. Uladi gently lowers herself into the centre of the room
    • The PCs are so enamoured by Uladi's beauty, they don't even notice the arachnid body and all it's eight spiny, hairy legs until she reached the floor. She towers above the others at 7'9ft.
      • "Her ashen gray hair, seems to flow in all directions at once, her huge eyes, the colour of dark amythists seem to pierce through all they grace.

Uladi will welcome them heartily, saying it's been many moons since she's last had human visitors. She'll offer them refreshments with a small basket of slightly sticky things that look like some kind of candy.

"Oooh you like them? Thank you, I laid them myself...
  • If asked about the blight Uladi will be happy to hear of the adventurer's goal, and cooperate willingly, however she will ask them for a small favour.

  • DC17 Persuasion will allow party to skip the quest.

Harpy feathers

(MM 181, CR1, 200XP)

Uladi will ask the party to collect some Harpy Feathers for her, In return she will tell them everything she knows about the blight, and do anything she can to help.

  • She will give them a glass bauble and tell them to place it in the sunshine, on the meadow north of her home, hide nearby and wait, the glint of it is sure to attract a Harpy or two from the nearby mountains.

The Meadow

The meadow seems peaceful, the wind carries the smell of wildflowers while it playfully dances through the tall grass spreading ahead for several miles

  • Through a few moments of searching the party will find a suitable spot, a small thicket offers an easy hiding spot from eyes up above.
  • Some moments pass before the party hears recognizable screaches and cries approaching.
  • DC10 Stealth to stay hidden as the Harpies approach.
  • Two harpies land a few paces from the Bauble, they chatter between each other.

"Hmm, It shines it does." - "Yeees, shines it does, but what istit?" - "*Cackles* Hmm, mine it surely itsit..." - "Yourses? Nay, Mine itsit, I had seen it firstmost." - "*Cackles* Yourses? You must be funmaking, *Cackles*"

  • The Harpies will quibble as long as the party stays unnoticed. If they detect the party both Harpies will attempt to use their "Luring Song" Action
  • With a DC13 they could attempt to pluck the feathers by sneaking up or wrestling the harpy down.
  • Or they can simply fight DC10 for Sneak attack.

The Harpies (should) prove to be an easy foe, a few attacks will drop enough feathers to bring to Uladi.

  • If one of the harpies dies or both reach half health within 3 turns of each other they will flee.

Return to Uladi.

The journey back seems to fly past, the party can hear the upset Harpie(s) screech in disaproval on their way back to their nest. Once back at Uladi's hut she will thank them and say she hopes it wasn't too much trouble. "Filthy pests they are those Harpies, they have pretty feathers though"

  • If PCs ask... she wanted the feathers to make a dreamcatcher.

She will now give them a detailed overview of the blight.

  • She explains how a Gulthias tree is formed when an area is saturated with negative energy by dark events/rituals, and the only way to cure the land of the blight is to destroy the Gulthias tree.
  • She'll tell the adventurers of the three kinds of blights she has discovered Needle Blights, Vine Blights, and Twig Blights (Vulnerable to Fire)
  • She has been observing the blight progress for quite some time now and she suspects that the tree could be located around the elven ruins north of Sweetwater.
  • She has scouted the area and has narrowed it down to 2 possible locations on the island. A gorge that runs through the middle and a cave system that extends beneath the elven ruins.
  • The closer they get to the Gulthias tree the more vegetation will have withered away, and the more frequent they should encounter the blights.

  • Uladi will suggest they travel to Sweetwater and rent a boat there to pass onto the island. This will allow gathering of recourses and extra planning the characters might want to undertake.
    • She'll mention that if the characters head to Sweetwater from here they would have to pass through the mushroom forest; She has a friend there the party might want to meet.
    • She will ask them to transport a small package to them in the case of their going there.
  • Alternatively she knows of an entrance to the caves leading beneath the lake to the island, this will most likely be very dangerous. as she hasn't been down in years and anything could be roaming there.

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