The Hearth of Draco Organization in Grimoire | World Anvil
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The Hearth of Draco

All beings wish to grow stronger, be it out for their own gain or for the well-being of others. Does not matter if you are simply a human, an elf, or even an orc, all seek the quest for power. Dragons, beings of the highest caliber, are seen as the true solution. While others work hard and become devoted to gods or an oath, some figure that the essence of a dragon could be invoked to far exceed any limitation they have. Thus the Hearth of Draco was born, who gives praise to these mighty beasts and the mightiest among dragons as Tiamat, Draco, Orochi, and Quetzalcoatl and then discuss how to serve and become as mighty as them.   Lead by Lorxan Galdaac, a red Dragonborn, the Hearth of Draco seek to become stronger, serve the will of dragons and protect all dragonoids from the force that seek them harm.
Religious, Druidic Circle