Sliver Greythrone Character in Grimoire | World Anvil
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Sliver Greythrone

Silver Greythrone (a.k.a. Fang, Beta)

A fighter from a young adventuring party. Hailing from a small village in Nordlicther, Silver wished to be an adventure and be a hero to people. His part consisted of his child hood friend a mage, a passing monk from their village and cleric who was looking for a party. Silver himself was skilled with a sword and acted as the party's front line.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Silver set out to be an adventure at 18, taking up the first mission to deal with a group of grung in a forest.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:    Dislikes: Dark Caves, Large groups, the full moon.

A reclusive man who only stays in his room.

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Current Location
Dull dark silver
Long shoulder length silver hair


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