Rise of Resonator Physical / Metaphysical Law in Grimoire | World Anvil
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Rise of Resonator

In Grimoire there are beings who resonate with stories and legends become beings know as Resonator. It has been learned that resonators are created from the souls of the dying but the specifics of what causes it is unknown. Many adventurers have sought to live out lives that they believe will make them Resonators but due to all Resonators not remembering their past lives, it is impossible to know for a certainty. One Resonator appearing does not result in other characters from their stories appearing with them but once they do appear they become aware of their existence.


Appearing in the world like a star falling from the night sky and landing in a location relating to their story, be it a city, a castle, or a forest. The light fades away, some saying it the appearance of writing and words as the Resonator and Artifact appear together.


Many call this event Writings. The places this happens often seem random and confusing has many do not know what importance of the story is until much later.


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