Drackin and the Cult of Blood Organization in Grimoire | World Anvil
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Drackin and the Cult of Blood

It should be no surprise that every religion, be it big or small, would have other sects. Of this, the Drackin are one of the worst. While dragonoid have been steadily accepted into modern society, traditions exist. One that has harmed dragonoid such as kobolds from wanting to be accepted. As tradition goes, several times a month, Drackin must drink the blood of dragoniod to 'reinvigorate' themselves and grow closer to dragons. Of it, kobolds are often seen as easy targets ever since the inception of this idea came to play. While it doesn't grant any sort of incredible powers, it's sought that when a dragon's blood is finally spilled, the yield is increased even further beyond. While this hasn't been proven, dragonoid blood is regularly used. And with it, kidnappings of civilized dragonoid are more frequent. Kingdoms have sought to expell these factions, but others have kept them around, finding lucrative business having them sell "dragon's blood" and donations to the church and taking money as an insurance tax. It's more terrorizing that kingdoms will lure dragonoid dens with promises of protection and insisting that such a religion would never exist there, only for them to drained, body parts preserved and dried, and shipped across the seas.   A side note: Drackin will burn metal 'scales' on their skin to leave burn scars similar to scales, though not often enough to it be seen by the public eye, in self-mutilation. Only those who removed themselves from society are covered in these scale scars, with the most important even implanting the metal on their bodies.


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