Anima Historia Physical / Metaphysical Law in Grimoire | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Anima Historia

To life and explore is to be the main character in your own stories. All lives tell a story and these stories are inscribed within the halls of the Order of the Scribes.   All is foretold, and nothing can change the stories written inside of them.   While these are unchanging creations of the world, the common person only knows of this fact as it pertains to Resanotors. Only those in higher powers or with connections to the Scribes know that these books exist. It is unknown why these books are made, but it has not stopped generations of scribes from trying to discover the magic behind the creation.


Each book forms at the birth of a new soul in Grimoire. These books come in the form of a simple leather-bound hardcover book. On the spine of each book is the true name of the person written inside of it. This true name can change depending on where they are in their life. The inside of the book consists of a chapter upon a chapter that depicts major events in the person's life, from birth to death. These books chronicle out each event as a new chapter with each chapter can span months or years and have even more time in between them. The final words in each and every book, written in the person's handwriting are the words "The End".


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